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July 12, 2004

London calling

Pictures: Live in London

We have made it to London, after almost 5 hours of flight delays in Cleveland!

Tonight we are staying in a beautiful hotel - nice to have a little luxury before we start roughing it a bit more. So far we've spent some time walking around London itself trying to stay awake. We had a tasty lunch at Wagamama (one of Heather's favorites) and then found the Millenium Walking Bridge over the Thames. Very cool! I'm a big fan of bridges and I especially like the design of this one.

I personally have been very surprised at much of the modern architecture. there seem to be a lot of buildings built in the last 5 years that have very creative designs - lots of curvy structures and glass facades.

We'll be heading out to Wales tomorrow to visit some friends. After that we might head up to Leeds before returning to London to spend the weekend.