Heather and I have arrived in Cleveland, OH and are spending the night here before begining our wild trek!
Our friend Ross was kind enough to host us in San Francisco while we packed the last of our posessions into a Door-to-Door crate.
Here in Ohio we are visiting family and enjoying a chance to relax after 3 days of continuous packing. We managed to pack everything we need for the trip into two medium-sized backpacks and two small daypacks. Obviously, we're doing our best to travel light.
We still have a few things left to pick up - batteries for flashlights, GPSs and Cameras, a "travel watch" for me. (translation: cheap watch that I can afford to lose)
Our first stop out of the US is London, but we will be visiting family and friends around the UK, including Wales and the city of Leeds. We leave tomorrow and will arrive in London on Monday morning.