Holden turned 1 month old last week and has already changed so much. He's still keeping us up at night of course, but he's already so much more expressive and even holds his head up for 10-15 seconds at a time.
Heather and I are still adjusting to lack of sleep but have developed a routine that should allow me to go back to work and only seem a little out of it. Hopefully they don't think I'm drunk the way I'm now occasionally slurring my speech and my typing.
We think we may have seen our first real smiles while on the changing table in the last day or so. However its unclear if he's smiling at us, or at the fact that he's wearing a clean diaper!
His hair has started falling out in place (as expected) and now seems to have some sort of male pattern baldness going on.
It has been a while since we had some picture updates, but we have another new gallery of pictures from Holden's first month.
It seems that for this leg of our journey, we've taken even more pictures than we took in Asia :)