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August 02, 2004

Bus, Boat, Train to Croatia

Ooops! We really screwed it up this time... all we had to do was the simple bus, ferry, train connection to another country and we messed up.

It really is not all that simple to decode the bus, ferry, and train schedules but we were pretty comfortable when we drifted off to sleep last night that we had it all figured out. Not szuper-duper comfortable ('zs' in Hungary is 'ss'), but feeling pretty good.

We had obtained a hand-written note of the bus times and some irritated gestures that the stop was across from the post office. We had a ferry schedule that we knew how to read pretty well to get us back across the lake. We had a train ticket to Zagreb from Budapest that we had rather cleverly split into two trips... no worries!

This morning, we woke up to pack and assemble our little breakfasts of yogurt, muesli, brown bread, honey, and salami amidst the cheery noises of our floor-neighbors, the German family. We ate on the terrace enjoying the view and congratulating ourselves on our thrifty purchases. After packing and strapping our worldly goods onto ourselves like pack mules, we walked a half kilometre into town and plopped on a bench in front of our supposed bus stop. We were 45 minutes early (allowing plenty of time for buying fresh bread and souvenirs), still well within the comfort zone.

Two minutes before our bus was due, we noticed a bus in the opposite direction that stopped across the street (uh oh, is that a bus stop? it really is across from the post office...oh well), but we persevered with our instincts. When our bus arrived, Alec showed the picture of the ferry timetable and the driver seemed to agree, so we boarded somewhat more at ease. Then the bus took a few unexpected detours and turns and we began to discuss alternatives. Scanning the boat timetable, we figured that if the bus took us to the wrong town, we could hop on the same boat later in its route. Ok, no problem, enjoy the ride.

Blah blah blah... the bus worked, the ferry worked. We walked through Siofok with our heavy packs seeking out a shady picnic area. We enjoyed some salami and cheese sandwiches with sparkling water on the lawn of the train station itself near a fountain. About 12 minutes before our expected departure time, we went into the station and reviewed the departure board. Ha ha. The train had left over an hour ago.

Anyway, we're here now in Hungary's version of the Jersey shore (or the Dells)dodging strip joints and souvenir stands so glad that we stayed on the quiet, rustic, nature preserve side of the island. At least this gives us some extra time to catch up with the computer.

Tonight, we will arrive in Zagreb... if we can get back to the station in time.